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II - CHAPTER XXI CONCERNING CHARACTERS, AND THE CONSECRATION OF THE MAGICAL BOOK WHENSOEVER in any- Operation it is necessary to write Characters, and thou fearest that thou wilt fail, do this: Write at the beginning the Name EHEIEH ASHER EHEIEH, and at the end the Name AIN SOPH, between these Names write what thou wishest, and if thou hast anything especial to do bear the said written Names upon the wrapper in silk, and thou shalt say over them: Most Wise and Most High Creator of all things, l pray Thee for Thy grace and mercy that Thou mayest grant such virtue and power unto these Holy Names, that Thou mayest keep these characters from all deceit and error, through Thee, O Most Holy ADONAI. Amen. After having repeated this thou shalt write the requisite Characters, and thou shalt not fail, but shalt attain thy desired end. THE CONSECRATION OF THE BOOK Make a small Book containing the Prayers for all the Operations, the Names of the Angels in the form of Litanies, their Seals and Characters; the which being done thou shalt consecrate the same unto God and unto the pure Spirits in the manner following: Thou shalt set in the destined place a small table covered with a white cloth, whereon thou shalt lay the Book opened at the Great Pentacle which should be drawn on the first leaf of the said Book; and having kindled a lamp which should be suspended above the centre of the table, thou shalt surround the said table with a white curtain ; clothe thyself in the proper vestments, and holding the Book open, repeat upon thy knees the following prayer with great humility: (For the Prayer beginning 'Adonai Elohim, etc., see Book l., Chapter XIV., where it is given in full.) After which thou shalt incense it with the incense proper to the Planet and the day, and thou shalt replace the Book on the aforesaid Table, taking heed that the fire of the lamp be kept up continually during the Operation, and keeping the curtains closed. Repeat the same ceremony for seven days, beginning with. Saturday, and perfuming the Book each day with the Incense proper to the Planet ruling the day- and hour, and taking heed that the lamp shall burn both day- and night ; after the which thou shalt shut up the Book in a small drawer under the table, made expressly for it, until thou shalt have occasion to use it; and every time that thou wishest to use it, clothe thyself with thy vestments, kindle the lamp, and repeat upon thy knees the aforesaid prayer, 'Adonai Elohim,' etc. It is necessary also, in the Consecration of the Book, to summon all the Angels whose Names are written therein in the form of Litanies, the which thou shalt do with devotion; and even if the Angels and Spirits appear not in the Consecration of the Book, be not thou astonished thereat, seeing that they are of a pure nature, and consequently have much difficulty in familiarizing themselves with men who are inconstant and impure, but the Ceremonies and Characters being correctly carried out devoutedly and with perseverance, they will be constrained to come, and it will at length happen that at thy- first invocation thou wilt be able to see and communicate with them. But l advise thee to undertake nothing unclean or impure, for then thy importunity, far from attracting them, will only serve to chase them from thee; and it will be thereafter exceedingly difficult for thee to attract them for use for pure ends. |
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