Magic of the Future -- A Practical Guide
Free Course in Six Lessons - Introduction - Lesson 2
Karl Hans Welz, inventor of the Chi Generator®, Orgonite®, etc.
A Gigantic Step into the Future !!!
Wilhelm Reich and Franz Anton Mesmer 150 years before Reich invented accumulators of life force, devices that accumulated life force from its surroundings.  Masemer called this energy "animal magnetism," Reich called it "orgone."  In 1991, I invented the generator of life force (Orgone Generator®, Chi Generator® or Prana Generator®) the first device on the planet that actually generates life force.  One year later I invented a very effective material that accumulates life force (chi, orgone, prana, mana), and I called this material orgonite®.
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Lesson I
Introduction to Magick:
Magick in human history
Common Functioning Principle in Magick
Magick free from Traditions
What is Magick?
Six case scenarios of magickal operations
Action at a Distance in Magick
Structural Links
Structural Links in the 6 case scenarios
The Target Link in Magick
The Trend Link in Magick
Psychic Power in Magick
Psychic Energy (life force) in the 6 case scenarios
No life without Magick
The Orgone (Life Force) Generator in Magick
The Definition of Magick
Magick is Action at a Distance upon a Target
Perform any kind of Magick!

Lesson III
Structural Links in Magick
animism in magick
a magickal miracle cross
Equivalent and Near-Identical
Structural Links in Magick
the 6 magickal case scenarios
the "true name" - an equivalent SL
magickal alphabets and sigils
Structural Links and Distance
magickal hyperspaces
Magickal Experiments with SL
experiment with the Magick Wand
experiment with the Orgone Generator
Magickal Radionics Experiments
Laws of Structural Links
basic principle of magickal transfer
magickal symbolisms

Lesson V
Magickal Protection
the Magickal Circle
the Magickal Triangle
Control Magickal Energies
control Magickal Entities
the Magickal Mirror
Magickal Control
magickal evocative circles
Methods of magickally dismissing
Magickal Threats
Psychic Interference with your Magickal Operation:
weak Life Force
incorrect Structural Links
lack of control of magickal energies
protection of the target
other psychic interferences

Lesson II
Life Force, Miracles, and Magick
Negative Entropy and Magick
Life Force, the Mind, and Magick
Build a Magick Wand
Learn to see Life Force:
a good practice for Magick
Learn to feel Life Force
Learn to direct Life Force
essential for Magick!
Direct Life Force into your body
Charge Magickal Objects with Life Force
Project Life Force into others
Generate Life force for Magick
Animal Magnetism and Magick
The Orgone Generator in Magick
Basic Laws of Life Force

Lesson IV
Equivalent Structures and HOE
animistic approach in Magick
Mappings in Magick
Four Magickal Elements
The Material Plane in Magick
The Astral Plane in Magick
The Mental Plane in Magick
The Causal Plane in Magick
The Importance of the Planes in Magick
Astrology and Magick
Magickal Squares of the Planets
The Tarot and Magick
List of Equivalent Structural Likns
Magickal Words of Power
Magickal Mantras
Magickal Sigils
Magickal Object in the Environment
Magickal Dances
Magickal Paraphernalia
Magickal Technology
Magickal Alphabets
Sets of Equivalent Structures

Lesson VI
Practical Magick: Examples
Make a Magickal Talisman:
magickal squares
The Magickal Realms
energetic magickal realm
outer magickal realm
realm of magickal energies
Cast a Magickal Spell
Magickal Clearing


Life Force
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The Concept of Negative Entropy

The research of Franz Anton Mesmer, Karl von Reichenbach and Wilhelm Reich were gigantic steps towards our scientific understanding of the characteristics of life force. Wilhelm Reich was the first scientist who recognized that life force, or orgone (as he called it) follows the principle of negative entropy. To understand this principle, let's first explain what we mean with entropy.

Entropy is a term that appears in physics. Physicists observed that two energy systems of different potentials end up with the same potential some time after they came in contact with each other. We call this process of establishing balance entropy. For instance, if you bring a hot object in contact with a cold object, both objects will have the same temperature after some time. One object will be colder, while the other object will be warmer. The energy that the physicist refers to is electromagnetic in nature, of course. The average academic physicist of our days is still hostile to the concept of life energy.

entropy and magic

Life force operates the opposite way. If you bring an object with a high potential of life force in contact with an object that has a low potential, the object with the higher potential will draw from the object with the lower potential.

The second observation that Wilhelm Reich made was the following: Organic matter attracts and holds orgone energy while metallic matter attracts and immediately repels orgone. He designed his orgone accumulators following these two principles.

An orgone accumulator is a box that has alternating layers of organic and metallic materials. The outermost layer is organic while the innermost layer is metallic. As a consequence there will be a flow of orgone energy from the outside of the orgone box to the inside. The life force inside the accumulator will become stronger and stronger. A thermometer on the inside of the orgone box shows consistently a higher temperature. This fact contradicts the law of entropy. According to the second law of thermodynamics the inside of the box should have the same temperature as the outside.

reversed entropy and magic

cloud busting - a more modern approach

Wilhelm Reich has also made another important observation: An electroscope discharges much faster in an atmosphere that has a high orgone potential. This characteristic allowed Reich to measure the strength of fields of life energy. If we consider this characteristic of life force and the fact that the inside of an orgone box is warmer than its surroundings, we must realize that there is an "interface" between the space time that physics describes and life energy.

Wilhelm Reich was a medical doctor. Therefore he used orgone energy for healing purposes. This brought medical traditionalists on the plan with the usual consequences. Reich went on to use his discoveries to build devices that he called "cloud busters." He used these devices to influence the weather: by forming clouds and by destroying them.

Reich also discovered a variation of orgone that was stagnant. He called this energy deadly orgone, or DOR. He used cloud busters to remove clouds of DOR that are hostile to life.

For nearly 40 years after Reich's passing virtually nothing happened in the science of orgone physics. Magicians such as Israel Regardie realized that a knowledge of orgone physics is useful for the study of magic. He recommends the study of Reich's works in the introduction to his manual of the Golden Dawn system. He had the right insights, but, being a traditionalist, he was incapable of accepting the consequences and freeing himself from the traditions he grew up in. Most of the people that followed Reich remained satisfied in conducting cloud busting experiments and building orgone accumulators. They overlooked that Reich's genius opened up a vast field of new technologies.

Next:  Life Force and the Mind (click here for video presentation)

 to the third lesson

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The Terms "Chi Generator®," "Prana Generator®," and "Orgone Generator®" are trademarks owned by Karl Hans Welz.

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