of the Future --
A Practical Guide Free Course in Six Lessons - Introduction - Lesson 1-2 by Karl Hans Welz, inventor of the Chi Generator®, Orgonite®, etc. |
Gigantic Step into the Future !!! Wilhelm Reich and Franz Anton Mesmer 150 years before Reich invented accumulators of life force, devices that accumulated life force from its surroundings. Masemer called this energy "animal magnetism," Reich called it "orgone." In 1991, I invented the generator of life force (Orgone Generator®, Chi Generator® or Prana Generator®) the first device on the planet that actually generates life force. One year later I invented a very effective material that accumulates life force (chi, orgone, prana, mana), and I called this material orgonite®. |
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ADM - Astro-Dynamic Manifestation: achieve desired results generating the optimal astrological trend energies of success in your home, business, on for yourself and others. |
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Talisman Magick | |||
Tarot Spells | |||
Magia Dei Tarocchi | |||
Autogenic Training |
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This course will be all video soon. The videos contain additional information about magick. I am inviting you to come back for additional video presentations |
Let's begin with a few scenarios of well-known practices that we call "magick." Case #1: An old recipe to heal a person is to pull seven hairs of that person. Then drill a hole into a vigorous tree and put the seven hairs into the hole. Then plug the hole with the wood of the same tree. The person will feel better. Case #2: A "doctor" fabricates a doll. He puts hair and fingernails, or small pieces of clothing, of the target person into the doll. Then, perhaps at a pre calculated time, he goes to a graveyard and puts the doll into an open grave. The person whom he targets may get sick, perhaps may even die. Case #3: An old recipe against wounds that pus: Take some of the pus out of the wound with a cotton swab and put it into copper sulfate. The wound heals a lot faster. Case #4: Set up a ceremonial table with candles, incenses, etc. On a piece of paper draw a square with some letters inside. To the left and to the right sides of the square write the names of the people who should fall in love. Project life energy into the letter square and the paper. Then burn the paper. Case #5: A radionics specialist takes a "black box," or radionics device (click here to see about radionics devices in Using a pendulum or the stick pad on the device, she determines the settings of the dials that help in lawsuits. Then she puts the photo of the person whom she helps on the stick pad. She leaves the device "on" until the results show. Case
#6: In a charismatic church the preacher initiates a prayer to heal
in his congregation. The person that he intends to heal is far away.
Action at a Distance MAGICK IS ACTION. It is action that has the goal to cause an effect, or a change: change in an individual, in a group of individuals, or of a situation. The attempt to bring change is a characteristic of all living beings. It is interaction with the environment. The second common denominator of these cases is that the target of the action appears to be distant. For the moment, we can say: MAGICK IS ACTION AT A DISTANCE. This means that DISTANCE IS IRRELEVANT IN MAGICKAL WORK.
In this respect, magick expands our capability to act upon our
contents Copyright © 1985, 1996, 2009 by Karl Hans Welz, unless otherwise specified.
All information
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All other copyright notices apply to their respective holders. H.S.C.T.I., Inc.
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The Terms "Chi Generator®," "Prana Generator®," and "Orgone Generator®"
are trademarks owned by Karl Hans Welz.
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Talisman Magick | |||
Tarot Spells | |||
Magia Dei Tarocchi | |||
Autogenic Training |